Blackburn: Sex Predators Thrive On Social Media

July 9, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) spoke at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on “Protecting Innocence in a Digital World” about the dangers posed by social media to children.

“[Jeffrey Epstein’s] case serves as a warning that predators really do lurk,” said Senator Blackburn. “They lurk in every corner of society, whether it’s the rich and the powerful or the poor and depraved. Those protections that have existed in the physical world, many times are not being transferred to the virtual space…. These predators no longer lurk in AOL chatrooms. They are right there on all of these apps that our precious children are using, whether it is Snapchat or Instagram or Facebook or YouTube or GroupMe.” 

Watch Senator Blackburn’s remarks and questions by clicking below or HERE.
