ICYMI: Blackburn Joined Fox News’ ‘We the People’ Live Audience Special

July 15, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) joined Fox News’ The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton on the hour-long, ‘We the People’ live audience special with Rep. Harley Rouda (D-Calif.) and Fox News Contributor Lisa Boothe. The special featured a wide-ranging conversation driven by audience questions regarding about immigration, trade, 2020, and more. 

To watch the full special featuring Senator Blackburn, click below or HERE.


On Immigration
“We have to give the border patrol all three things they say they need at the border. They have continually said, ‘Give us a barrier. Give us technology. Give us more boots on the ground so that we can secure this border.’”

On Trade with China
“As somebody who leads on the technology policy in the Senate, let’s make certain that we have an agreement that is going to protect our intellectual property, an agreement that is going to be fair for our U.S. workers. Let’s make certain that we’re having an agreement that is going to open up new markets. You know, in Tennessee when I talk to farmers, they don’t want more aid, they want more trade.”