Blackburn on Fox News: Quick DNA Test Will Root Out Child Traffickers at Border

September 16, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) joined Fox News’ Mornings with Maria to discuss her legislation to require a DNA test to substantiate the familial relationship between an alien and an accompanying minor. The legislation will prevent drug traffickers and gang members from trafficking children. The Senator also discussed the Department of Justice’s Inspector General’s report on alleged FISA abuse.

On the End Child Trafficking Now Act “These children are being placed into sex trafficking, labor gangs, MS-13 gangs. This is a way for us to make certain that those children are properly taken care of and that these traffickers are prosecuted. So, as they catch more of these smugglers, this is a way to deport them back to their home country or to prosecute those that need to face prosecution…. This DNA test that will take ninety minutes will help us to root out these smugglers and also to protect these children.”

On the IG Report

“I really do believe that they are doing this right. They are being very careful [and] meticulous. They know as they bring the report forward… it has got to be rock solid, iron clad. They’re going to get it right.”

To watch the full segment, click below or HERE.
