Blackburn: Democrats Would Rather Create an Obamacare Panic Than Confirm This Legal Superstar to the Supreme Court

October 14, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tonight, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) joined Fox News’s Laura Ingraham to discuss Day Two of Senate Judiciary Committee hearings to consider the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

“The way [Democrats] tried to build out the Affordable Care Act argument and tilt everything to health care and then create a national panic, saying, ‘People are terrified...’ They're trying to create this panic and say she is going to take their health care away, which is not true,” said Senator Blackburn. “They never [admit], ‘if we get our way, if we get socialized medicine, then 153 million Americans are going to lose your private health insurance.’”

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