Blackburn Statement on H.R.133, The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021

December 21, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. –  “Since July, Senate Republicans have been working to provide the American people with targeted economic relief in the face of the COVID pandemic. Congressional Democrats fought us every inch of the way, and held this relief hostage as they pressed for over $3 trillion in special interest giveaways.  They admittedly used a pandemic to push a socialistic agenda.


Majority Leader McConnell should be applauded for continuing the fight. Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer have finally come to their senses.


The legislation we passed today will support vaccine development and distribution, assist schools and universities, and provide crucial help to Tennessee small businesses. 


However, I cannot support nearly $2.4 trillion in spending that will make recovery even harder. I have serious concerns with provisions buried in the 5,593 page bill, such as expanded visas, Pell grants for prisoners, and households with illegal aliens receiving economic impact payments. For these reasons, I voted no on passage of this legislation.”