Blackburn, GOP Women Senators Discuss Judge Barrett as a Jurist and Role Model, and the Left’s Double Standard

September 30, 2020

“A curious mind, a strong intellect… an appreciation for the Constitution” 

“Normally, you’d have the feminists and the Left lining up to defend her… Where are those voices?”

“All of us, especially women, should celebrate” and be
“rejoicing in the fact that we have an accomplished woman to consider”

“I have total confidence in her,” she is “shattering barriers, glass ceilings”

“Folks, this is what a mom can do”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.V.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and Martha McSally (R-Ariz.) held a press conference to discuss Judge Amy Coney Barrett as a jurist and role model, and the Left’s double standard when it comes to covering women in public service.

To watch or download video of the press conference, click below or here.

BLACKBURN: “We are so pleased to have a woman who is so accomplished, who is widely applauded by her colleagues whether they are coming from the Left or the Right. As someone who is disciplined in the law, has a curious mind, a strong intellect, that has an appreciation for the Constitution and an appreciation for the rule of law, that is something that we are looking for in a jurist who is going to take a seat on the Supreme Court.

“Let me tell you something about religious liberty: I think many of us know if you’re a woman who is pro-life, pro-family, pro-religion that many times the left will say, ‘We don’t want to hear your voice. We get it’… We know that there are some on the Left that would rather you be a secularist or an atheist in order to serve on the federal bench. But again, your religious beliefs and being a religious person, being a mom who takes her seven children to church every week, ought not to be a disqualifier.”

FISCHER: “When we look at Judge Barrett, we see an accomplished woman. We see a brilliant jurist. We see a nice person. We see someone who has been able to balance her family life with a husband, seven children, and keep everybody on track. We’ve seen someone who has had to make choices in her life to move forward with her chosen career. We’ve seen someone who is a success. All of us, especially women, should celebrate that.”

CAPITO: “I look forward to asking her not just questions of judicial consideration, but also relate to her as we all do – and we do this quite well, actually, across the aisle, Republican and Democrat women members of the Senate – to talk about, ‘How have you managed? What has your journey been? And what are the choices that you’ve had to make?’… I would implore our Senate colleagues, and really the rest of the nation, to be rejoicing in the fact that we have an accomplished woman to consider… I think that Judge Barrett, for all the rights that Justice Ginsburg fought for, for many women in this country, that Judge Barrett’s pathway, her journey, has been something that she’s benefitted from the decisions and the journey of Justice Ginsburg… There are all kinds of ways…to be that impartial judicial mind that we are looking for and with all the different ways to move through your life and that’s a great thing for our daughters and granddaughters to look forward to.”

ERNST: “Folks, this is what a mom can do. I tell my daughter that all the time. A mom can be a farmer or a rancher. A mom can be a combat veteran. A mom can be a financial planner. A mom can serve in the United States Senate. And most certainly, a mom can be a Supreme Court Justice. Anybody that says different is absolutely wrong… She has been lauded by conservatives and liberals for being just a wonderful judicial mind… Not only is she fair, but she is truly a decent human being. I am so thankful that now other young women will see that we have had one extraordinary female Supreme Court Justice in Ruth Bader Ginsburg being followed by another truly extraordinary female in Amy Coney Barrett. This is what a mom can do, and I’m so thankful for that.”

HYDE-SMITH: “I am so honored to be standing beside the women that I am beside. We are standing on the shoulders of so many women who came before us… I am so thrilled that Judge Barrett is also providing another set of shoulders for these young people to stand on, as well. I have total confidence in her. She is an excellent constitutionalist to interpret the law and apply it accordingly… I pray for her and I pray for her family as we go through this process. And it’s going to be a tough process, but women are just naturally strong.”

MCSALLY: “The hypocrisy that we’re seeing from the media and the Left, attacking her for being a mom...asking her how she is going to take care of her kids. No one asks the men that, we know that. Normally, you’d have the feminists and the Left lining up to defend her, and so we’re asking: where are those voices? I know a little bit about that hypocrisy. The Left and the liberals just loved my story as I was breaking through barriers to become the first woman to fly fighter jets in combat and taking on the Pentagon because they were making servicewomen wear burqas and then be the first [woman] to command men and women in combat. They loved my story until I became a Republican candidate for Congress, and all of a sudden, they became very much less interested in what my entire life story was, and how this is just a continuation of that service.”

LOEFFLER: “She is a woman who is shattering barriers, glass ceilings. As a businesswoman, as a political outsider, I am someone who understands that… This is an incredibly accomplished, graceful woman. She is a scholar, a jurist, a mom, a wife, and I think we can be so proud as a country. I just pray that this moment doesn’t tear our country apart, that it brings us together around the Constitution, supporting the original meaning of the Constitution.”