Blackburn On Hannity: Biden Is Forcing States To Deal With His Border Fiasco

December 21, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) slammed the Biden administration’s plan to traffic illegal migrants to Tennessee on Fox News’Hannity


The decision by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to relocate single adult illegal immigrants to Tennessee comes amid the administration’s ongoing effort to terminate Title 42.

Watch the full interview here.


ICE Intends To Relocate Illegals Pending Court Proceedings To Tennessee


“[Governor Bill Lee] was notified that they were going to begin to bring these, as you said, single adult illegal immigrants into Tennessee while they wait for their court proceeding. They're working with the Tennessee Immigration and Refugee Resettlement Program and going to put them in Tennessee.”

Biden Is Terminating Title 42 With No Plan To Deal With His Border Crisis 

“Now, the problem with this is, as you said, they're turning every state into a border state, every town into a border town, and the Biden administration has no plan on how to deal with this situation at the border once Title 42 goes away. So, what are they doing, Pete?... They're going to send these individuals all across the country and say, all right, ‘Tennessee or other states, you pay the bill, you take care of this because we, the federal government can't figure out how to handle this. And we have to move these illegal immigrants from the border and to other areas where they're not going to be noticed.’”

States Like Tennessee Are Forced To Face Consequences Of Biden’s Open Border 

“Since the Biden administration has broken the border and now we have an open border, and now they're seeing this surge, they have to move them away from the border. So, this is their plan. Send them to other states. Send them to other cities, and let the taxpayers in those cities and in those states foot the bill… this administration has shown their disrespect and disregard for the states. They feel like that keeping the power at the federal level and having the states who do their bidding, that's the way to handle the mess that they have made. Let's let the states mop this up for us.”
