Blackburn, Colleagues Urge Senate Appropriations Committee to Support Pro-Life Policies

June 21, 2024

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), and Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.) sent a letter urging Senate Appropriations Committee leadership to prioritize legacy pro-life provisions in the upcoming fiscal year appropriations legislation.

Bipartisan, Pro-Life Appropriations Provisions Protect Our Nation’s Most Vulnerable 

“As the Senate Appropriations Committee continues to work on legislation for Fiscal Year 2025, we urge the committee to ensure that longstanding, bipartisan pro-life provisions are included as bill text. These provisions have been enshrined in law every year for decades, and it is essential that we continue this bipartisan work to protect our nation’s most vulnerable – the unborn.”

Most Americans Oppose Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

“A majority of Americans, including majorities of Republicans and independents, oppose the use of taxpayer dollars to bankroll abortions. Since 1976, and every year thereafter, Congress has renewed the Hyde Amendment, which ensures taxpayer dollars are not used to fund abortion other than in cases of rape, incest, or when a pregnancy would threaten the life of the mother. Americans should never be forced to fund procedures that most consider to be murder… The Hyde Amendment is only one of many corresponding policies that have been enacted on a bipartisan basis in annual appropriations bills to guarantee taxpayers are not forced to bankroll abortions conducted both domestically and abroad.”

Senate Appropriations Committee Must Retain All Pro-Life Provisions in FY25

“There are numerous other legacy provisions that play an integral role in protecting life. Examples of these include the following: The Smith (NJ) Amendment (bans taxpayer dollars from funding abortions for federal employees); The Dornan Amendment (prohibits taxpayer dollars from funding abortions in the District of Columbia); Abortion Funding for Prisoners (restricts taxpayer dollars from funding abortions for federal prisoners); The Helms Amendment (bars taxpayer dollars from funding abortions as foreign assistance – a policy which 67 percent of Americans support); The Siljander Amendment (prohibits taxpayer dollars from funding any lobbying regarding abortion); The Kemp-Kasten Amendment (grants the president the discretion to ban organizations that promote coercive abortion from receiving U.S. funds); The Weldon Amendment (permits health care and insurance providers to opt out of participating in elected abortion procedures based on their deeply held moral or religious beliefs -- a policy which 66 percent of Americans support). We respectfully call on the committee to retain all long-standing pro-life provisions in all Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations legislation.”


This letter is endorsed by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, American Family Action Network, Americans United for Life, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), Ethics and Public Policy Center, and Students for Life Action.

“For decades, Congress has ensured that the dignity of human life is upheld through these important appropriations riders. In a post-Roe world that recognizes there is no federal right to abortion, legislators should fight harder than ever to keep taxpayer dollars out of the abortion industry. These provisions are commonsense, bipartisan, and are critical to protect life.” – Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America LAC

“As pro-abortion Democrats continue to find new ways to threaten current protections and prevent any future protections for the unborn and their moms, now more than ever it is critical we ensure that the longstanding pro-life provisions in government funding bills are retained and considered non-negotiable. A majority of Americans oppose the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortion and we applaud Sen. Blackburn for her letter to the Senate Appropriations committee urging its members to keep these legacy, bipartisan life-saving provisions in the Fiscal Year 2025 funding bills.” – Hon. Marilyn Musgrave, Vice President of Government Affairs at Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America

“We thank Senator Blackburn for calling on her colleagues to maintain fiscal pro-life provisions that protect pregnant mothers, their babies in the womb and Americans everywhere who reject death by induced abortion. Our life-affirming practice of medicine is proof that induced abortion is not healthcare, and no one should be forced to contribute their hard-earned tax dollars to such a harmful practice.” – Dr. Christina Francis, CEO of AAPLOG and AAPLOG Action

“A mother’s choice is no longer a consideration for the Biden Administration. They have unleashed all the power of the Federal government against a woman’s right to choose life. We cannot rest until this is stopped.” – Tom McDonough, President of American Family Action Network 

“Students for Life Action has and always will urge Congress to keep pro-life protections such as the Hyde, Smith, Dornan, Helms, Siljander, Weldon, and Kemp-Kasten Amendments, so that no American is forced to pay for abortions. Sadly, coerced taxpayer support for abortion proves that abortion is a federal issue, as millions of scarce dollars are misused to end preborn life and support deadly programs. Congress must end taxpayer funding for abortion and abortion vendors and programs, starting with Planned Parenthood, which should be debarred and defunded. The Pro-Life Generation applauds this effort and ask all members to support Hyde and all other protective measures so that our nation does not lose resources to fund the loss of life. Students for Life Action is grateful for Sen. Blackburn's letter addressing important pro-life protections that need to continue and, in fact, need to become permanent.” – Students for Life Action


  • Under regular order, Congress should consider 12 separate appropriations bills to be signed into law by the President by the end of the fiscal year on October 1.
  • The annual appropriations process begins when the President submits a comprehensive budget request to Congress in early February, which outlines the administration’s funding priorities for the coming fiscal year. 
  • The Senate Appropriations Committee is tasked with developing, drafting, and managing appropriations legislation, and 12 subcommittees should hold hearings, markups, and report legislation for the full Senate to consider.

Click here to view the full letter.