Blackburn, Welch Introduce Bill to Protect Rideshare Passengers’ Privacy

June 13, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and Peter Welch (D-Vt.) introduced the Safe and Private Rides Act, which would prevent rideshare drivers from violating passengers’ privacy by requiring transportation network companies (TNCs) to notify passengers when their driver has a video recording device in the car and give passengers the opportunity to opt out of riding with a driver with a dashcam:

“As more and more Americans take advantage of rideshare services, there is an urgent need to balance driver safety with passenger privacy when it comes to the use of dashcams,” said Senator Blackburn. “The Safe and Private Rides Act would ensure drivers can use video recording devices to protect themselves without sacrificing passengers’ ability to preserve their privacy.”

“Millions of people around the country rely on rideshare services for transportation every day, whether it’s to the doctor, work, or the airport. Folks using rideshare services deserve to have peace of mind about their digital privacy during a ride, which includes knowing if they will be filmed before calling a ride,” said Senator Welch. “Our bipartisan Safe and Private Rides Act gives passengers using rideshare services straightforward privacy protections by allowing the option to opt out of a rideshare using video recording devices that record passengers.”


51% of Americans between ages 18 and 29 have used a rideshare service, and ridesharing profits are expected to generate $54 billion annually by 2027. As more and more Americans take advantage of these services, safety and privacy must be prioritized.

In many American cities, rideshare drivers have expressed feeling uncomfortable and unsafe while driving and have turned to technology and dashcams to add a layer of safety. These dashcams, while beneficial for the driver, could present privacy concerns for passengers. In the past, some rideshare drivers have recorded their passengers and subsequently released the footage online, in a blatant violation of privacy. While those cases were swiftly dealt with by the rideshare companies, passengers should ultimately have a right to know that they are being recorded and to opt out of riding in cars that utilize recording devices if they so choose.

Rideshare companies have become a source of convenience and accessibility, and they are an example of American innovation. As they grow, their drivers should be able to use technology to protect themselves, and passengers should be able to make decisions to preserve their privacy.


  • The Safe and Private Rides Act would increase transparency by giving passengers choice while preserving the driver’s safety.
  • Specifically, the Safe and Private Rides Act would:
    • Require transportation network companies (TNCs) to notify passengers when their driver has a video recording device in the car;
    • Require TNCs to give passengers the opportunity to opt out of riding with a driver with a recording device in the car; and
    • Grant the Federal Trade Commission the authority to enforce these transparency requirements.

Click here for bill text.