America is blessed with abundant natural resources that allow us to produce reliable, affordable energy. Yet, since his first day in office, President Biden has kowtowed to the Green New Deal agenda, waging a disastrous war on American energy independence and wrecking the American economy.

Since Inauguration Day, President Biden has issued dozens of regulations and executive orders that restrict energy production across our country.

Senator Blackburn Demands For Energy Independence Amid Soaring Gas Prices

Whether it’s canceling the Keystone XL Pipeline, banning liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, obstructing oil and gas leasing on federal lands, draining our emergency petroleum reserves to four-decade lows, or imposing costly new regulations on drilling, President Biden has repeatedly put the demands of far-Left activists over the interests of Tennesseans and the American people.

As a result, families are paying more to heat their homes and fill up their cars. Under President Trump, the average price for a gallon of gas was $2.57. Under President Biden, gas prices reached an average high of $4.06 per gallon — the highest cost seen in over two decades.

At the same time, the Biden administration has tried to regulate every aspect of Americans’ lives, from the cars they can drive to the stovetops they can use to cook. This anti-energy crusade is not only eating away at Americans’ savings and pushing inflation to record highs; it's also emboldening our adversaries — including Russia and China — who are all too happy that President Biden is making America more dependent on their natural resources.

To lower prices at the pump and strengthen our security, America must unleash its energy production.

Marsha Blackburn On Rising Gas Prices: This Is Not Putin's Price Hike - It Is Joe Biden's

What Senator Blackburn Is Doing to Support American Energy

Senator Blackburn has consistently supported national energy policies that promote a diverse, domestic energy supply and reduce our dependence on foreign countries.

In early 2023, Senator Blackburn joined more than 20 of her Republican colleagues in demanding that the Biden administration reverse course on its plan to impose $100 billion in targeted tax increases on American energy, including the production of oil, gas, and coal.

Senator Blackburn also joined her colleagues and sent a letter outlining 12 specific actions that the Biden administration must take to lower fuel prices and strengthen our energy security, including restoring the Keystone XL Pipeline, fast-tracking energy projects on federal lands, and expediting the permitting of critical minerals.

Senator Blackburn Responds To Report That China May Buy Russian Energy

As President Biden pushes his radical agenda, Senator Blackburn has been a leader in defending Tennesseans’ freedoms from socialist regulations. In 2023, she led the fight against the administration’s proposed ban on gas ranges and stoves — an issue the White House ultimately backed down on.

Furthermore, Senator Blackburn introduced the Keep China Out of Solar Energy Act to prohibit federal funds from being used to buy solar panels manufactured or assembled in Communist China, specifically the Xinjiang province, which is known for its human rights abuses against its Uyghur minority.

Additionally, after President Biden squandered our nation’s domestic energy production, Senator Blackburn fought to prevent the sale of American oil to our adversaries. In 2022, she introduced the No Emergency Crude Oil for Foreign Adversaries Act to ensure that reserves sold from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) are not exported to U.S. adversaries, including Communist China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran.

Senator Blackburn also supported the Unlocking Domestic LNG Potential Act after the Biden administration paused approvals of pending applications for LNG exports. This legislation would immediately reverse President Biden’s ban and protect America’s economic and national security by depoliticizing the export of American LNG. She has also joined a resolution in the Senate calling on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to withdraw its latest set of proposed power plant regulations that will force the closure of coal- and gas-fired power plants.

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