
Senator Blackburn Receives “Speaker of the Truth” Award From the Endowment for Middle East Truth


Senator Blackburn Defends Freedom for Taiwan at Hudson Institute Conference on China


Senator Blackburn Joins Pacific Island Ambassadors to Discuss U.S. Efforts to Promote a Free, Open, and Prosperous Indo-Pacific Region


Senator Blackburn Leads Press Conference Standing With Israel & Calling on Biden Admin to Freeze the $6B Ransom Payment to Iran

In a perilous and ever-changing global landscape, America stands as a beacon of freedom. In areas dominated by authoritarian regimes, those advocating for fundamental human rights find solace in America’s unwavering determination to champion democratic principles. Extending support to our allies conveys a potent message about our steadfast dedication to freedom. 

The New Axis of Evil — China, Russia, Iran and North Korea — is conspiring to destroy America. Yet, since day one, the Biden administration has put America’s safety at risk. Just days after taking office, President Biden announced a return to diplomacy with Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, revoked the Houthis’ foreign terrorist designation, and removed travel restrictions on Iranian “diplomats.”

Additionally, the Biden administration has continuously kowtowed to the Iranian regime by allowing Tehran to export oil to Communist China, granting waivers for a $10 billion nuclear deal between Iran and Russia, and failing to respond to the Iranian regime’s attacks on U.S. soldiers. Under the Biden administration, the New Axis of Evil is winning now more than ever, and our national security is being compromised time and time again. 

Senator Blackburn has worked to prioritize America’s national security by ensuring a strong U.S. military, supporting our allies, and standing up for freedom across the globe.

The U.S. Has A Long History Of Standing For Freedom And Self-Determination

What Senator Blackburn Is Doing to Advocate for America's Safety

On Iran

On the anniversary of September 11th, the Biden administration sought to unfreeze $6 billion in assets for Iran in a deal to swap prisoners. Only weeks later, on October 7th, 2023, Hamas terrorists launched an unprovoked assault on Israel — the deadliest attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust.

Senator Blackburn immediately took action, leading nearly all of the Tennessee delegation in a letter to President Biden urging his administration to support Israel however possible — including by providing any weapons and munitions necessary and punishing all involved in aiding the Hamas terrorists. She also led 19 of her Senate Republican colleagues in demanding that President Biden and the State Department immediately rescind the waivers that allowed Iranian funds to be converted and moved to more accessible bank accounts.

In 2024, Senator Blackburn led an effort with Senator Marshall (R-Kan.) on the Senate floor to immediately provide Israel with $17.6 billion in aid needed to continue their fight against terrorism, which was ultimately blocked by Senate Democrats.

Furthermore, since taking office, President Biden has sent the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) around $1 billion, despite clear links between UNRWA and terrorism and knowing there would be a high risk of Hamas benefiting from American aid. In response to this, Senator Blackburn introduced legislation to halt all U.S. funding for UNRWA.

Additionally, Senator Blackburn’s bipartisan resolution to strengthen the economic ties between the U.S. and Israel passed the U.S. Senate in late 2023 following the October 7th attacks.

Blackburn: Sending Iran Cash Means Funding Hamas And Hezbollah

Senator Blackburn has also led legislation designed to weaken Iran’s connections with Communist China. The Iran China Accountability Act prohibits the consideration and use of any U.S. taxpayer dollars to advance a nuclear agreement with Iran until they terminate their ties with the CCP and terrorist groups like Hamas.

In response to the rise in anti-Israel protests on college campuses, Senator Blackburn introduced a bipartisan resolution that denounces antisemitism at institutions of higher education and pushes college and university leaders, administrators, and faculty to voice their opposition to antisemitism on campus. This effort passed the U.S. Senate in late 2023.

For more on Senator Blackburn’s work supporting Israel, click here.

Blackburn: UNRWA Teaches Palestinian Children To Hate Jews

On China

Throughout her career in the United States Congress, Senator Blackburn has consistently raised concerns about Communist China’s increasing threat to the West. She strongly supported the Hong Kong freedom fighters during the 2019 protests, and her bipartisan legislation prohibiting the U.S. export of crowd control equipment to the Hong Kong Police Force was signed into law by President Donald J. Trump.

Communist China’s ultimate goal is global domination. Since President Biden’s first day in office, the CCP’s aggression towards the U.S. has increased, and our national security has been greatly endangered.

Under Biden’s watch, the Chinese regime has sent spy balloons into our airspace, worked with cartels to flood our country with fentanyl, bought up American farmland near sensitive U.S. government facilities, weaponized TikTok to collect Americans’ private data, and challenged democracy around the world.

Communist China Is Using AI To Grow The Surveillance State

In June 2023, Senator Blackburn introduced the bipartisan Stemming The Operation of Pernicious and Illicit (STOP Illicit) Drones Act to limit the presence of Chinese-produced drones in the United States and keep our nation safer. Senator Blackburn also fought to secure vital national security wins in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act. In 2024, her measure to prohibit the FAA from funding foreign drone companies or procuring drones from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, and Cuba was signed into law.

Additionally, amid the recent surge in Chinese nationals attempting to cross the southern border, Senator Blackburn led her Republican colleagues in introducing the No Asylum for CCP Spies Act to prohibit members of communist or totalitarian parties, like the CCP, from being granted asylum in the U.S.

Senator Blackburn has also advocated for banning TikTok in the United States or divesting the company from its Chinese Communist-owner.  Following reports alleging that TikTok has stored the sensitive financial information of U.S. TikTok creators in China, including social security numbers and tax information, Senator Blackburn led a letter to the company demanding transparent answers.

For more on Senator Blackburn’s work taking on Communist China, click here.

Blackburn On TikTok In Nashville: I Don't Want A Communist Chinese Spy Agency Setting Up Shop

On Taiwan

As Communist China continues to seek domination over Taiwan, Senator Blackburn has been a staunch defender of independence for the Indo-Pacific nation. In August 2022, Senator Blackburn visited Taiwan and met with President Tsai Ing-wen in Taipei and called to strengthen connections between the U.S. and Taiwan. During this visit, Senator Blackburn made it clear: Taiwan is a country.

Senator Blackburn Meets With Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-Wen in Taipei to Further Diplomatic Relations Between the Two Nations and Calls Taiwan a Country, 8.26.22

In early 2024, Senator Blackburn supported a bipartisan resolution commending Taiwan for its commitment to democratic elections and institutions, despite ongoing threats from the Chinese Communist Party.

Additionally, Senator Blackburn has encouraged U.S. colleges and universities to support the U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative as an alternative to China’s propaganda-fueled Confucius Institutes, and has also introduced the Taiwan Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act. This legislation supports the United States’ partnership with Taiwan by authorizing a defense lend or lease program with the Government of Taiwan, which will help ensure Taiwan has the capacity to defend itself and strengthen the United States’ commitment to preserving freedom around the globe.

It Is Important That We Support Taiwan As A Free Country

Senator Blackburn’s National Security-Related Actions

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