Life is precious and worth defending at all stages, which is why Senator Blackburn has strongly fought to protect unborn children and help expecting mothers.

Throughout her career in public service, Senator Blackburn has been an ardent champion of the pro-life movement and notably spearheaded the investigation into the illegal and gruesome practice of selling baby body parts as Chair of the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives. Her persistence on the issue resulted in fifteen criminal referrals.  

Additionally, Senator Blackburn has consistently supported legislation to defund Planned Parenthood, the nation's single largest provider of abortions.

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What Senator Blackburn Is Doing to Fight For the Unborn

Senator Blackburn believes so strongly in protecting the unborn that she introduced the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act as her first legislative action after being sworn in to the U.S. Senate in 2019. This bill would close the federal loophole that allows Big Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood to receive taxpayer dollars.

While Big Abortion groups claim that the federal funds they receive are not used for abortions, money is fungible, and the American people deserve to know whether their hard-earned dollars are being used to aid this life-ending practice. In 2022, Senator Blackburn led 144 of her congressional colleagues in requesting the Government Accountability Office (GAO) produce a report detailing all federal funding for Planned Parenthood and its Big Abortion affiliates. This report, which was released in December 2023, revealed that nearly $2 billion in federal taxpayer funding had been funneled to abortion providers between FY2019-FY2021.

Senator Blackburn Praises Pro-Life Movement Following The Dobbs Decision

Senator Blackburn believes Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (2022) was a major victory for life that returned the power to We the People and gave each state the authority to create laws to protect life. Following the Supreme Court’s momentous ruling, she introduced a resolution celebrating the pro-life movement and the volunteers who have supported mothers and children for the past 50 years.

In 2022, Senator Blackburn introduced the Unborn Child Support Act to allow mothers to receive child support payments while they are pregnant and ensure access to necessary financial resources. She also celebrated pro-life volunteers, renewed her pledge to continue fighting for the unborn, and called on states to help protect life.

Additionally, Senator Blackburn has introduced legislation aimed at protecting pregnant women and unborn children by providing adequate medical information for informed consent before abortions. The Woman’s Right To Know Act sets reasonable medical standards for physicians to meet to protect both the life of the mother and the child before an abortion can be performed.

Pro-Life Activist Speaks On Protecting The Unborn

Senator Blackburn has also supported the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which passed the House of Representatives in 2023 and would require health care practitioners to provide a child born alive following an attempted abortion the same degree of care as any other newborn. She has also advocated for the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban, which became law and prohibits any medical provider from performing a partial-birth abortion.

Furthermore, Senator Blackburn successfully pushed for the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004, which was signed into law and created an additional federal offense for killing or injuring an unborn child. She has supported legislation to prohibit discrimination-by-abortion against unborn children with Down syndrome, as well as legislation preventing abortion on the basis of sex.

Senator Blackburn has also consistently worked to protect underage women and their unborn children. She has supported the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, which would make it a federal crime to transport a minor across a state line to obtain an abortion, along with the Parental Notification and Intervention Act of 2003 to require minors to gain parental consent before obtaining an abortion, with limited exceptions.

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